Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Bartle Test


EAKS players often live by the phrase 'The journey is often more enjoyable than the destination.' They are motivated by meeting the challenges of the world, but they are usually in no rush--because seeing the creatures and places of the world is even more fun.

Breakdown: Achiever 60.00%, Explorer 66.67%, Killer 46.67%, Socializer 33.33%

  • People with high Achiever scores tend to prefer collecting points, levels, treasure and accomplishments that set them apart from other players--or simply present challenges.
  • People with high Explorer scores tend to enjoy finding all of the unique areas of the world, often enjoying the immersion of the experience. Finding a place with unique monsters and seeing what those monsters do is usually more fun for an Explorer than defeating the monsters themselves.
  • People with high Killer scores prefer the player-versus-player aspect of any game more than anything offered by the environment. They often relish the adrenaline and challenge of pitting themselves against real players.
  • People with high Socializer scores enjoy interacting with other people, forming organizations, and finding cooperative solutions to the challenges within the virtual world.

Take the test!

Friday, May 09, 2008

a GTA convo

Obviously all my ideas and thoughts and feelings arent perfecltly clear in this post, my friend and i have an understanding about certain issues so i didnt need to elaborate, but i thought it was interesting enough to post -- m.

male friend: grand theft auto?
martian: everyone loves it, etc
martian: it has serious serious issues in it that no one cares about
martian: that just indicates that the world won’t change
male friend: how do you mean?
martian: the hate towards women
male friend: you think there is hatred towards women in the game?
martian: yes
male friend: I haven't played it yet soooo
male friend: why?
martian: /sigh
martian: so
martian: the internet cafe is called the 'TW@'
martian: there are only female prostitutes, you can fuck them, get a health bonus, and kill them, and get your money back
martian: essentially, this provides incentive to kill hookers, so that you don’t pay for a health bonus
male friend: yeah
martian: there are no female characters that have any depth, other than girlfriends, that you can also fuck and kill
martian: now let me make clear that I don’t agree with censorship
male friend: GTA usually doesn't have characters with depth
martian: Violence is fine
martian: sex is fine
martian: but as long as it is equal opportunity
male friend: yeah
male friend: still the thing about GTA
martian: and this is not
martian: there are characters that have stories etc
martian: but there are no females with a story
male friend: for me at least is while you CAN kill hookers
male friend: you don't have to
martian: that isn’t the point
male friend: where it becomes ridiculous is the incentive
male friend: so I agree with you about that
male friend: but also there aren't that many male prostitutes walking the streets
martian: and there are children walking the streets
martian: it is a manufactured world
martian: it is what Rockstar makes it
martian: it forces the player into a hetero role, in which you get a bonus for killing hookers
male friend: nothing wrong with kids walking the streets
male friend: but the gender thing...I prefer it when you have a choice, but sometimes you have to pick a gender for storytelling purposes
martian: I am just saying that if we are talking about representations of the real world
martian: this is not
martian: there are no children in GTA because killing children is wrong
male friend: no not at all
martian: therefore it is not the real world, and they are imposing their limits on the game
male friend: yeah
male friend: they are also going for a mostly male market
male friend: did you ever play gta3?
martian: yeah, it's fucking 2008, I don’t think that is okay anymore, and no one critiques that
martian: and no I didn’t, but I am aware that it had CJ in it
martian: and people got pissed
male friend: why?
martian: http://blog.pjsattic.com/corvus/2008/05/some-gta-iv-questions/
martian: because they said they didn’t see themselves n a black man
male friend: well I had a problem with the last one, not because I was playing a black man, but because the black man was an idiot
male friend: you can be 'street' without being stupid
male friend: gay hookers walking the street would be pretty funny actually
martian: you know what is funny
martian: I bet they didn’t do it cuz they thought people would be upset if you killed gay people
martian: but killing women is fine
male friend: that I read that article and wanted to marry a hooker and retire to the south of Spain?
male friend: yeah
martian: he says later he is giving examples from movies
martian: which are considered art
male friend: see my problem with that is the "incentive" part
male friend: not that you can kill a hooker
male friend: because if that gives the person entertainment then that just says more about them
male friend: it’s not encouraging it
martian: my issue is with the restriction
martian: only women can be hookers
male friend: yeah
martian: only hookers give health bonus
male friend: yeah I agree that is dumb
martian: they are the only characters you get your money back from
male friend: yep agreed
male friend: all stupid
male friend: and not even really fun
martian: really, in the end, what I don’t get is how this is the best game ever
martian: I don’t begrudge anyone to make their idiotic game
martian: I don’t care what they do in the game
martian: my problem is that this game is like
martian: exalted for being great
martian: and if you bring up a critique, people roll their eyes
martian: people say 'it's the sum total of its parts' and are selectively blind about it
male friend: I hate fanboys of all ilks
male friend: I had criticisms of all the GTA games
male friend: they where fun
male friend: but that’s all they really are, mindless fun
martian: yeah
martian: I just feel sad about it
martian: I feel bad about the things that it puts forth
male friend: lol
male friend: a lot of women think we are in a post-feminist world
male friend: that the battles have already been one
male friend: I just role my eyes
martian: yeah, grats on being able to work and vote
martian: too bad you're still not equal
male friend: yeah
male friend: I was reading an article by a female Obama supporter a couple of months ago
male friend: and she was saying how women have won because they are performing better in schools and in the work place
male friend: and I’m like
male friend: like
martian: yep.
male friend: personally I think the problem is extremes
male friend: a lot of women aren't think the fight is over until they are personally set back
male friend: or some women get too extreme on the other side and start arguing that women should be spelt womyn and just argue over pointless things like that
martian: yeah, I agree
martian: it's just the other side of the coin
martian: but feminism isn’t anti-male
martian: it is just equality
male friend: yeah
martian: but not thru taking away from another party
male friend: yep
martian: people are scared of the word tho
male friend: you can be forceful and still pragmatic
martian: they think it means bad things
male friend: yeah
martian: which is sooo sad
male friend: well they associate feminists with feminazis as [girlfriend] calls them
martian: yeah

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Monday, May 05, 2008

List of pissoffs.

1 - Why is there no harddrive on the Wii. I want DLC for Rockband. (Update: they have announced CDs to buy... i dont think this cuts it).
2 - Why cant i find a PS3 60g. I require backwards compatibility, for gods sake - and apparently SW backwards compatibility only saves 27$. (found one!)
3 - I thought i had more.
4 - WB saying that women in leading roles dont sell movies. Well really, Catwoman? Are we basing this on Catwoman? Because i cant see how anyone would sell that movie. How about not making crap movies?
(Add) 5 - metal thongs in games. For some reason, everywhere i look today, metal thongs. Prince of Persia, Soul Calibur ugh...!
6 - Games that do well, without trying (looking @ you, WoW). You have soo much money, the game could be so much better than it is, but it seems like doing somewhere near the minimum is enough. I mean really, recolouring the same armour doesnt make it new.
7 - SecuROM on Mass Effect (thanks EA, you assholes). (crossed off) (back on)